SenseiOnline Info

SenseiOnline Member Handbook

Subscription Info

Thank you for your interest in SenseiOnline. SenseiOnline is a listserv for teachers of Japanese who potenitally and currently use on-line materials in teaching. My name is Keiko Schneider and I am the manager of this list.

The list hopes to serve as an online community of those who are concerened with Japanese language/culture education. It will help networking, sharing ideas and supporting each other. Possible topics would be software and hardware issues, showing and using Web pages as a material, using listserv as a class mana gement tool, using chat sessions, e-mail penpal projects, making Web page as projects and syllabus, creating Web-based materials, on-line assessments, delivering class partially or totally on-line, related announcements, "Somebody, help!" and non-computer related issues that concern the members are welcome.

Current members include teachers of Japanese (Elementary, Immersion, Middle/High School, Community College, University/College, Other Education Institutions), ESL/EFL teachers, CALL specialists, Language Lab Technicians, Engineers, Web Designers, Graduate Students and eager learners of Japanese. Geographic locations spread US, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Guam, Europe, Russia, West Indies, Mexico, South America, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and the list is expanding. Those who have non-educational domain will be asked to verify the interest/involvement in Japanese education, but it is soley for the purpose of eliminating the chance of spam activity. People without educational institution shouldn't be discouraged in joining the list.

This list is private and several precautions are taken to reduce the chance of spam and possibility of getting infected by computer virus.

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Link to SenseiOnline Member Handbook

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