Easy Home Page: Tryout and Recources

Use my template

If you think my Sample Page is good enough to follow, here is the template to follow.

OK, time to try out

Try HTML crash course for Educators. It has basic elements and its interactive html exercises are great. You can pretty much make a page like Sample Page. The only thing is I added back ground color. If you want to pick a color, you can go to color chart by Lynda and pick a combination of 0,3,6,9,c and F. (For example, white is FFFFFF)

There are plenty of pages about html on-line, but one of my favorite is done by professor Kikuchi from Georgia Tech. Take a look here. Also I recommend HTML Quick-Start Guide by Charles Kelly. Also if you are looking into more broad lessons about computer in general, Web Teacher Tutorial doesn an excellent job.

How about putting Japanese?

If you have Japanese Language Kit on Mac, you have a lot of worries cut out for you. If you are not on Japanese system on Windows based computers, things are a little more challenge. You need to use third party software or use Global IME. Either way your computer has to be Japanese capable to start. Please refer to my Bookmarks' Computing section to make your computer Japanese capable.

Make sure you are doing it right

If you don't use html editors that don't let you preview, you can use Navigator or Explorer to do that. Go to File and open file and find your html file in your system. This does have disadvantages because it doesn't necessarily show all the image links. You just have to wait until you upload.

Now to upload!

If your html editor doesn't come with uploading function, you can get one of FTP programs for free.
Fetch for Mac
My ISP has a good reference site on how to use these software.
West Host online manual

Here, you have to call somebody who is maintaining your server. Could be your university computer center or AOL. You need to know your user ID, password and know where to put the files. They have to tell you where in the server you have to put your html files and images. A little more patience before you see your work on-line!!

My secrets

Here are some sites I kept secret until now to make my sites.

Well, good luck!

Here concludes my humble introduction to Easy Homepage. Making simple pages is not that difficult. It is a lot of fun learning it. Most of universities offer computer classes, and I have been lucky to take classes using tuition remission. Look into your institution's continuing education programs. Then, ganbatte kudasai.

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email: kschnei@sabotenweb.com

Copyright Keiko Schneider 1998-2000