Note to teachers

This site requires just READING of Japanese in a browser since no output is expected. If you want to know about Japanese encoding in computer, please refer to my SEATJ presentation page and Computing page from my Bookmarks Page.

About Audio Practice
Real Audio Player is required. Please download free at Real Audio Web site. This page is very slow to download. Apologies to slow connection users.

About Random Exercise I
As many other functions in this site, this activity uses JavaScript, and to my knowledge, this is not working with Microsoft Internet Explorer. I will try to build another similar exercise. すいません。

About Random Exercise II
This uses Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML) and if you have a lower version of the brower, maybe you can't get it going. My assumption is if you have a browser 4.something or higher, there is a good chance it works. Also if you can't see the whole 17 of objexts, I would recommend change the resolution of the screen. In order to change the resolution, in Windows computer, go to my computer and find monitor and change the number to higher, like 1024x768. In Mac, you can do that through Apple Menu Monitor and Sound or the strip control. There is a black and white dots monitor. You have to refresh or reload to get little pieces correctly again.

About Information Gap Exercise
This has input field (where students can type in), but this is just students' reference only. If you have output capability in the browser/computer, they can type in Japanese, but if not, they can type in roomaji. Again, this is just their reference until they see the complete map to compare. Same thing goes a box after なまえ. I added so that you can have students print out their answers.

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copyright Keiko Schneider 1999