TFLA Spring Conference 2009: Using iTunesU as Podcasting to Enhance Listening and Speaking Activities

Presentation PowerPoint (documents are not connected. Please refer below.)

Activities (Word document download)

1st year Japanese: Dict-a-conversation audio version
1st year Japanese: Family and Ideal boyfriend/girlfriend
1st year Japanese: Family and Ideal boyfriend/girlfriend: Follow-up Homework
1st year Japanese: Invitation and Restaurant

SMU on iTunes U

SMU on iTunes U

Listen to the presentation

SMU on iTunes U
Click on "Take me to SMU on iTunes U
Once iTunes is launched, scoll down to find "Academics and Research"
Click on "Humanities and Sciences: Dedman College"
Click on "Third Year Japanese" under "Courses"
Select episode called "TFLA 2009"

copyright 2009 Keiko Schneider

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