Panel Discussion: Utilizing the Internet for Teaching Japanese
パネルディスカッション: インターネットを使った日本語教育

Keiko K. Schneider (シュナイダー恵子)
(Saboten Web Design/Albuquerque TVI)

Yasuhiro Omoto (University of California, Berkeley)

Satoru Shinagawa (University of Hawaii, Kapiolani Community College)

Keywords: インターネット、オンラインコース、教室活動、日本語環境、評価、4技能

Panel Abstract:
In North America, the Internet has pretty much established its presence in our daily personal life and academic life. Sometimes we communicate via email even from the same office taking advantage of asynchronous nature of the tool. We also access the WWW for quick information or even authentic materials for teaching. As the Internet becomes more available around the globe, it is time to consider the issues in utilizing the Internet for teaching Japanese Language classes. Language classes have different set of criteria from lecture classes from other disciplines and that reflects on the use of the Internet as well. The Internet is not only a vast pool of information but also a place to communicate with remote people. The nature of online communication has pedagogical implications to teaching Japanese. Both teachers and students will face user end multilingual computing issues. At this point, most teachers are likely to use the Internet to supplement or enhance traditional face-to-face language classes. What resources can we take advantage of and how can we develop materials? The Internet can be used for sharing materials, ideas and networking. And more and more teachers are asked to teach totally online Japanese class. An example of online delivered Japanese class and some practical advice for future online teachers will be addressed.

copyright 2002 Omoto, Shinagawa, Schneider

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