Keiko Schneider's Bio in English

My name is Keiko Kawanabe Schneider, and I am a former instructor of Japanese at the University of New Mexico and the owner of Saboten Web Design. I do Web designing and consulting on technology application in the field of language teaching. I teach ESL and Technology at TVI community college.

I am currently serving as a board member of Association of Teachers of Japanese. I serve as Membership Secretary of the Professional Development Special Interest Group (chaired by Dr. Y.- H. Tohsaku) and a co-manager of its mailing list, JPD-L. My dream reamains teaching Japanese and provide professional development online. I try to keep My Bookmarks up-to-date which I started in July, 1996 and I am a manager of senseiOnline listserv and organize online study forum, Benkyoukai at TAPPED IN. Occaionally, I volunteer at HelpDesk at TAPPED IN, teachers' online community.

I have been actively presenting at various, mainly Japanese focused conferences. You can see most of the handouts online from my Conference Notes page. My recent presentations are about online community such as senseiOnline and TAPPED IN, and Omoto sesei and Ishida sensei's Japanese Language Material Ring, IT training for language teachers (with Fukai sensei and Omoto sensei), online learning (with Shinagawa sensei), my online Materials and more.

I maintain part of ATJ's site including the new site, Japan America Socity of New Meixco site, Arizona sociation of Teachers of Japanese, Northern California Japanese Teachers' Association. Hanayagi, Japanese Garden Shop site was recently mentioned in a special edition of the Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

I have Internet Certificate from UNM Continuing Education and Online Teaching certificate from UCLA Extension. I am hoping to get involved teaching at Connected University in the near future.

A little bit of bio I spent a year in University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand from Monbushou scholarship when I was attending the University of Shiga ,where I received Bachelor of Education in English education with teaching certification at elementary, junior high school and senior high school. After returning from NZ, I decided to pursue Master's degree in stead of becoming a public school teacher. In the fifth year in the university (I spent the fourth in NZ), I didn't have too many classes to take, but I needed to complete teaching practice, so I made myself busy participating in the university band (which you will learn more in Japanese version), flipping burgers at McDonald's (well, I didn't do too much flipping, but a lot of smiling and irasshaimase, arigatou gozaimashita. I went through manager training, though I didn't make it.) and teaching English at (notrious) conversation school called Bilingual.

By early 1991, I saved up enough money and my TOFEL score reached decent (610) and I picked myself together to attend Master of Arts in Teaching program at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont in fall 1991. My Independent Professional Project was a creation of a pronunciation textbook of English for Japanese speakers (unpublished). I started to teach Japanese at the Language and Culture Center where I had Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Japanese classes. I feel grateful, and at the same time, sorry for those students in my earlier teaching career: They taught me a lot about learning Japanese, and went through (un)successful lesson plans with me. I became Mrs. James Schneider on July 30, 1993. UNM picked me up in fall of 1995 and Jim and I made a big moving trip to get to New Mexico from New Hampshire. In 1999, funding from New Mexico US-Japan Center ran out for my position, and I was asked to look for a job. Instead, I started my Saboten Web Design. In 2004, I should be back being single.

Now if you have anything to say or ask to me, please send me e-mail at

Now I have a Japanese version of my bio and a Spanish version. They all contain different infomation and reading them will reveal EVERYTHING about me!

About me and this site
My Bookmarks

Last updated 12/28/03