SenseiOnline presents 4th Benkyoukai (Study Forum)
Cys Bronner "Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication in Education"

August 24th (Thursday), 2000 at 4pm PDT
(1pm Hawaii, 7pm EDT, 11pm GMT; 25th Friday, 8am Japan, 9am Sydney, if this calculation is correct).

Featured speaker

Cys Bronner
Senior Partner
World Without Borders
PGS Internet Marketing Group

Cys Bronner, has been a key member of three online communities for Apple Computer. She was a member of eWorld's Community Conference Crew, as well as a member of the Apple World Wide Community team, staffing and producing events on both America Online and Apple's IRC server. She has the ability to determine how best to highlight a sponsor's product or service, and the experience and leadership to unite a team in hosting one event or a series of conferences.

As Senior Partner of PGS Internet Marketing Group, a recognized leader in community building, graphic design, marketing and content development for the World Wide Web, Cys has been involved in such exciting projects as THE GRAMMYS, NAMM, Macworld (Boston and San Francisco) webcasts and of course, World Without Borders online community.

Her motto "Java, it isn't just for drinking any more".

Organizer's Note:
"Synchronous" means real-time, happening at the same time and "Asynchronous" means happening at the different times. In this context in communication over the internet, Synchronous includes chat, voice chat and Asynchronous includes e-mail.

There is a trend in education field to believe that the method of synchronous communication is considered less useful because it gets messy, chaotic and superficial. She believes Synchronous communication has its own place in education. World Without Borders and Ms. Cys Bronner have been generous to host senseiOnline benkyoukai events.

What is going to happen?

Cys has a related paper at
She is taking questions in advance at

So read the paper above and go to the chat room with World Without Borders. There will be Cys and other participants. Since WWB is open to everybody I would like to invite whoever is interested in this kind of topic.

Where to go

This event is open to anybody who is interested in the topic. Please go to World Without Borders meeting place at the following URL. If you are not already registered, you have to get a screen name and password. Please keep this information for the future record. Then once you get to Conference Room A and you will see a link from there. A Java enabled browser, such as Netscape 3.0 or higher is required to enter the chatroom.

This event is hosted by World Without Borders and sponsored by Apple Computers, Inc. Higher Education. The Meeting Place is the place to come for ideas, product info, to discuss the issues, to air concerns. This weekly educator's roundtable, sponsored by The Apple Learning Community Connection, is the place to find out how Apple products and technologies can help institutions enhance learning opportunities and advance educational innovation. Educators of all platforms are welcome. "If learning is an act of exploration, then technology equips the explorer for the journey of a lifetime."

To participate in Web chat you need Netscape or Internet Explorer versions 3.0 or above with java enabled. The computer itself also needs enough CPU power and available RAM memory. Yet those at institutions behind firewalls may also find that Web chat access is blocked.

This Web chat provider can "push" URLs from within a chat room, automatically opening another browser window when you click on an address starting with http://, so you can chat while viewing Web pages corresponding to the session. Some rooms have options below the chat window such as choosing the color of your words. WWB Chat staff members are always on hand at sessions to help you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Manager of SenseiOnline, Keiko Schneider at

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